Tuesday 25 November 2008

Thursday 20 November 2008

Second Life Opinion

When setting up the Second Life I first found quite impressive when customizing your character as it has quite a wide range of templates when changing the appearance. As it is a free internet interactive world and not a Playstation 3 game I found the graphics to be okay and the world itself is massive, reaching anything and anyone. It’s Similar to Facebook but more open and 3D. You are able to move around freely and fly. Objects can also be created such as your very own house and pool and interests and work can be advertised for others to see. Although I liked it at the start, after playing about an hour of second life and I soon lost interest and became bored from it. The characters movements become limited and apart from talking and basic movements, there are not really many other things that the person can do, which makes your personality the same as everybody else’s. Like World of Warcraft and other interactive games some violence should be added. Not heavily but I do think some sort of Fighting should be included, maybe from weapons, magic or maybe just by punching. It gives more off excitement and this would show anyone else if you like them or not and what your like.

Monday 17 November 2008

Animation interest

I saw this from browsing through youtube and found it to be highly imaginative and i think its excellent how one image develops into somthing else. this gives me ideas for my animation breif.

Whats fascinating about Beowolf is that the characters are of real actors and they have then been captured as three dimensional. This gives of more details than normal CGI films making the clothing and skin expressions more life like.

Animation Choice

I have chosen to base my animation on Marvel Comics as i have had always keen interest in the topic. From when i was young i watched the Spiderman and X men cartoons and often bought the weekly comics. I picked Marvel because of the massive amount of characters Stan Lee has created. From his ideas id like to use my own style of drawing to make my own cartoons

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Telematics and vicarious experience

Telematics is where a person can perform a movement and then that movement is then transferred to another location. it is commonly tested and used in the world of online gaming where people can experience action from somewhere else. Similar to simulation anyone can try the vicarious experience as all the rules will be the same for everyone from gravity and there own surroundings. games have been created for players to explore and look around giving them choices to pick and continue. i think this gives a little more excitement than just playing from a joy pad. Like the technology that is used to present the weather i think some sort of blue sheet is involved to create the background and computer world and the person is stood in front.