Wednesday 30 September 2009

Although the snowboarding seemed like a good idea i would still have to incorporate other parts of shows that are broadcasted on the Exposure Channel. This includes gadgets and media and wildlife from the discovery programmes, etc.

Similar to the work of the Marvel introduction sequence where multiple parts of comic strips are flipped forward like a book. I would like to add these in as quick flash images as well throughout the main video.

snowboard idea

My Second idea was for the Exposure brief, as this channel is based on capturing of action through a lens it gives of the subject a wider range of possibilities. I got my main idea from watching the fast paced down hill snow boarding scene from the film triple x. As Exposure documents extreme sports i thought that i decided to consider this highly and maybe recreate my own clip maybe as a 3D animation.

My first choice from the breif was to pick the UFO idea as i felt i could be more creative with the alien and spaceship designs. This way i could also focus using maya as well as aftereffects for the modeling side.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Catch Me If You Can

I found this Fringe video sequence to be interesting as it starts from an example of a small piece of microscopic forensic evidence and then it leads of to something else connected to it. This quickly gives the viewers the first ideas of what the show is about.

First Ideas

What i like about this video is the block color silhouette style of the characters and would possibly like to reuse the idea myself.

Digital Media Year TWO