Tuesday 15 December 2009

Interview with the undertaker

After researching undertaking i was advised to have a talk to a real funeral director to gain further knowledge about the job itself. So i wrote out a few questions and tried to arrange an interview. Although it proved to be quite difficult finding someone who could help me as i went after smaller family businesses. Eventually i managed to get an over the phone interview with a larger company which proved to be very helpful.
These are the questions i asked

What are the presage’s when organising a funeral and who are the different staff involved?

Stage 1 Death-
The doctor pronounces the person to be deceased
The embalmer is called, who takes the body away.
Stage 2 Embalming-
The embalming has to be requested by a loved one or if it's really necessary
The body is disinfected and massaged so if rigamortis sets in the body is easier to move.
Body is shaved.
The body is then injected with a large amount of fluid which pushes the blood out.
Body organs are punctured letting any gas fluid out.
Cuts and bruises are covered with make up to make the body more presentable at funeral.
The body is then suited up, then put in the coffin

The body is returned to the family of the deceased for last respects
On the day of the funeral the body is then loaded into a Hurst and and driven by the undertaker to the church.

stage 4-FUNERAL
To make things less painful for the family the undertaker arranges the ceremonial service times, writes the obituary's and sorts out whether the body is to be buried or cremated.

What are the requirements and do you need any experience to be a funeral director?

No real legal training requirements needed , tend to be a family business which own their own funeral home.
Some funeral directors want a diploma or some sort of education experience.
Some Undertakers learn embalming as well.
No education is required for embalmers and can actually get work experience at a funeral homes.
Embalming licence is required after a completion science training program.

What type of clothing do you wear?

Depending on the deceased families religion
Undertakers wear a white shirt, black trousers, black waist coat, black blazer coat, top hats.
Mainly to be respectful to the mourning family and the deceased.
The tradition began when Prince Albert died and queen Victoria went through a stage of mourning wearing nothing but black.

What sort of person do you have to be to be a funeral director?

Strong hearted but sociable, Caring
Have to be empathetic and be highly respectful.
Has to be able to work on a 24 hour basis.

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