Wednesday 3 February 2010

E4 promo brief

The E4 brief is to create a 30 second promo and a 5 second sting advertising the Monday movies. The examples of films given are well known films but are not your top rated choices. We are to keep the style of advertising based around the subject of guilty pleasures.
The best way to go about answering this E4 brief was to create three different approaches and simply present them and pick the best idea.
First Idea- Articulate Film.
Taking an unusual approach to the brief this idea was to have a person act out a scene from an random artistic French film and then cancel it like its not worthy to be shown on E4 Monday night movies schedule. Further ideas were to have the style set out like an old Shakespearean play or like an old 1950,s experimental films.
Second Idea- Imitating Quotes
This promo idea would be a complete mockery giving off more of a humorous mood to the viewer. It will feature your every day family repeating famous lines and actions from the films. E.g. The Shining- Here’s Johnny
Third Idea- Imitating Quotes 2
Similar to the second idea this will again have the same family copying the films but will be shot from another perspective. It will be shot as if the family are interacting with the viewer instead of each other.

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