Wednesday 2 June 2010

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Lotus Born

Created in Maya by Daniel Arnold-Mist. This character is amazing, the shaping of the patterned swirls must of taken an extremely long time to model. I think he must of extruded the patterned shapes around to create the basic form and then altered the thickness to add curvature by point by point. He also must have thought a lot about the structure of the model and as you look deeper he includes mechanical cogs as a form of the brain. It is very impressive in how he has design a humanoid character from mechanic parts.

Brain Vomit

Created by Neil Hanvay. I like this piece as it very detailed and it has a massive range of highly imaginative characters all compacted in as one. With the black outlining for each character and the and the similar colour scheme they all blend together very well.