Monday 15 December 2008


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In Japan, companies like Toyota and Sony have created their own robot prototypes. Some of the main functions that these robots can do are to play musical instruments like the violin but the popular robot Azimo is highly multifunction. Created in the year 2000 by Honda after several attempts at designing and different models Azimo is now at its best. It has a built in camera in its head and can recognize a massive amount of multiple moving objects knowing the distance and direction of where they are. He can see the majority of the environment around him such as stairs and other uneven surfaces and avoids knocking into them or falling. He also can identify unusual sounds knowing if something may be harmful or not. An amazing feature about Azimo is that once a persons name and face is registered into his system he then has the ability to recognize their faces by memory and will greet them. When responding to a question or gesture Azimo faces the person and speaks directly back to them of if not that he shakes their hand or gives them nod to show he’s acknowledged them. The Internet can also be connected to Azimo and he can provide information about the news and weather updates.

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