Wednesday 17 December 2008

Pod Cast Evaluation

At the start of the digital cultures brief the question was to pick a technology that would create an effect in Ubiquitous city like Leeds in the future. Instead of just writing an essay we were asked to make a visual pod cast. At first I had no idea in what to research and kept on putting of the subject. Soon after while looking on you tube I watched a video on Asimo. This was the Japanese Humanoid robot created by the car company Honda. I thought it fascinating how agile and smart the robot was and originally thought it was a child in a small suit after realising this then led me looking at other different types of robots. This then gave me the idea of what I was going to pick as pod cast, robotics.
As I started researching I realised that companies were experimenting with robotics and had built a prototype and just thought of them being really basic and barley movable. After reading a little about them I never realized how advanced they were actually becoming and how quick they could make in impact on the planet.
Breaking away from this I first looked at the start at the inspirations and designs of how the thought of robots came around. I found out they began in movies and the first was a German film called Metropolis in 1927. This was created to give an n idea of what life would be like in the future as well. Other similar films were then created soon after like The Day the Earth Stood Still, Star Wars and I Robot. I also began looking at household new technology advances and child’s toys like the kind that are shown on television adverts. I found about the I Robot Hoover that’s a self cleaning vacuum which uses censors and the Wowwee company that creates the interactive Robosapian. Continuing the search I looked at different robotics that are helping the world today and found the bomb disposal units used in the army. What I found was that robots used from the 1970’s till now has not much has really changed. After feeling disappointed I then referred back to the humanoid robots like Asimo looking more at what functions they have and other types can do. Here I found the Toyota robots where they are physical able to play musical instrument like the trumpet and violin.
When I collected all my research I had found I first wrote it all up as an essay where I added my opinions in it. From here I transferred the writing from my essay to at&t demo so that it could be spoken instead. I also didn’t particularly want to be in the pod cast my self. This process took a lot longer the expected as the demo could only pick up a few lines at a time. I eventually copied to become a woman’s voice, as it was clearer than the men’s. I then added the speech files to final cut, as I didn’t quite get how to use PowerPoint as movie. To fill in the video I just added still pictures from research to fit the speaking to finish it off. Although the next day I realised I did not save my project properly and lost the whole thing, so I had to repeat the process again, At times it was frustrating and it made me lose interest a little. Overall I did enjoy researching and shocked to see how fast robotics was evolving.

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