Tuesday 27 April 2010

Father Character


THE SIMPSONS-Homer Simpson-modern times, Fat, bald, idiotic and dim witted, nuclear power plant, husband, terrible father figure but content with family, drinker, lazy, inconsiderate

FAMILY GUY-Peter Griffin-modern times, Fat, idiotic and dim witted shipping department of the Pawtucket Patriot brewery, husband, terrible father figure but content with family, drinker, lazy

MALCOM IN THE MIDDLE-Hal-modern times, average build, eccentric, paranoid, systems management, husband, relaxed father, gambler, relies on his wife

JETSONS-George Jetson- Futuristic times, Average build, well meaning, employee at Spacely's Space Sprockets high tech, husband, careing father figure, always in stressful situations at home and at work

FLINTSTONES-Fred Flintstone-Stone age times, big build, bedrock, overweight, aggressive, loud, crane operator, husband, caring father, always wants the best life for his family, bowler, lazy

ADAMS FAMILY-Gomez Addams-modern times, Average build, friendly, strange, gothic, well meaning, madly in love with his wife, eccentric, terrible lawyer, wealthy from large inheritance, sadistic but a good father, fencer, model trains interests, active, speaks French, loud

SOUTH PARK-Randy Marsh-Modern times, Average Build, friendly, dim witted, geologist, content husband and family man, gullible, embarrassing, biased, irrational, drinker, weed smoker

AMERICAN DAD-Stan Smith- modern times, big build, strong, massive chin intimidating, biased, argumentative, CIA agent, loves his county, husband, wants best for the family, dangerous but dimwitted

2 POINT 4 CHILDREN-Ben Porter-90’s modern times, big build, husband, typical father figure, plumber,

RUGRATS-Stu Pickles-modern times, average build, spiky purple hair toy inventor, husband, caring family man, intelligent, active, and argumentative with his brother

MODERN FAMILY-Phill Dunphy-modern times, average build, friendly, happy, real estate agent, husband, tries to be the cool dad and is desperate for the approval from his children, afraid of clowns, competitive,

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