Tuesday 17 November 2009

Task 3

Promoting myself.
There are a several ways in which I could promote myself so my work can be seen by a wide range of people. As I specialize in 3D character design a lot of my final work would be computer based. A good way of advertising my work is by using the world wide web as it is scouted every day. Here I can create a website or blog where I can show a series of pictures of my work. using other popular media sites such as you tube can be useful where I create slide shows. I can also make links for people to click on where they would be redirected to more of features.
Another advantage of character design is that they are all still images and can be printed off. This way my work could be shown by poster, pictoplasma books and any other flat surfaced objects. I can also include some of my final 2D development designs as well as the 3D. Gallery exhibitions are also a good way of promoting my work as interests accrue, I can talk one on one to the client. Business cards can also be given out to potentional customers at animex and game festivals, leading on to further jobs in the future.
My work can be used both in gaming and film. If they are made as motion and sold my design will be continually advertised.

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