Daughter Profile
Full Name:Becky Alaway
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Hair:dark brown
Height:5Ft 5
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults:Slim, 8st 4lb
Parents/Elders/Guardians:Frank Alaway, Mi Ly Alaway, Margret Alaway (Deceased)
Siblings:Sean Alaway
Career/Past Careers:Unemployed, School Pupil, Small time drug dealer
Dreams/Life Goals:To have a Baby with her boyfriend, No goals
Hobbies:Spray painting, Drinking, Smoking, stealing, being a Chav __
Likes:Vodka, Lambert and Butler, her Boyfriend, taking advantage of her dads generosity, being lazy, Large earrings and other golden jewellery, skimpy clothing
Dislikes:Homework, any kind of labour, police officers
Strengths:Very manipulative, secretive, Good it lying, dancing
Weakness:Not that intelligent,Little ambition,selfish
Good Qualities:Although she can be manipulative towards her family she still cares for them dearly
Bad Habits:Stealing, Underage drinking, smoking, swearing, fighting
Temperament:Flirty, Aggressive, but can still be caring if necessary
background:Youngest out of the two children. Before her teens she was a pigtailed cute choir girl singer being very respectful and well mannered to her elders. She was also an average student with a talent for ballet. When she hit her teens Becky turned the other way and became much more cheeky to her peers and rebellious in class. With the death of her she went completely off the rails and felt she needed sudden companionship and a family of her own. This when she met her law breaking older boyfriend, Leroy. By skiving of school, selling cannabis and stealing she now has no ambition in life. Although she tends to hide her troublesome behaviour from her father, it is quite obvious in what her personality is like. With the bad influence from her new mother she continues to behave selfishly.
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