Monday 31 May 2010

Important note 3

To help create the model frame in maya the main tools that i will need to use are:

Scale-Altering the size of the object
Rotation-Rotating the object
Move-Moving an object to different positions
Split polygon- Creating a edge across the face
Extrude-Extending an edge or a face outwards, altering the rotation, scale, movement. Once finished press the G key to end that reposition
Insert edge loop-Inserts a line all around the faces of an object
Merge-Merges the two vertex or lines together as one
Back face display-Depending on the view this tools turns on and off the back faces to decrease confusion when modeling.
Border edges-Thickens the end edges of an object
x-ray-Fades the object so the image planes can be seen in the background
mirror-when one half of the object is finished, the other side can be copied beside it, making it one.
Duplicate-Similar to a mirror the duplicate can be used during modeling as an unselected object. when any alteratins are made on the modeling half the same movements are made on the duplicate too.

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