Father Profile
Character Name
Full Name: _Frank Alaway
Nick Name(s): Frank the devil Alaway
Gender: Male
Age: 59
Birthday/year: 20/4/1951
Hair: bald
Eyes: Dark Brown
Language(s): English
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults:8 stone 1
Parents/Elders/Guardians:Francis, Harold Alaway
Enemies:johnny The Hammer Kain-boxing rival
Career/Past Careers:Retired Boxing Contender-Lightweight
Dreams/Life Goals:To be the lightweight boxing champion
Hobbies:Picking his nose, doing the crossword, watching boxing on television.
Loves:his two children Sean Alaway, Becky Alaway, his deceased Wife-Margret Alaway, His new wife mi Ly, all fighting sports-UfC, Boxing, Martial Arts
Loathes:Homophobic, Facebook, Hes old fashioned
Fears:Dying Alone
Strengths:Fairly good fighter, has a softer side to his personality, very generous and loving to his family
Weakness:suffers from arthritis so he had to cut his boxing career short, to trusting which can often backfire especially with his kids. Not the most wises person
Temperament:Can be a little neglectful at time but most of the time he is a loving caring family man.
Background:Raised in rough neighbourhood Frank was always getting in to trouble with the law at a young age. After realising his talent for boxing he turned his full attention to the sport. Here he met his wife Margret as she became his full time manager and had two children Becky and Sean. After boxing for several years he never became champion and suddenly had to quit when learning he had arthritis. He now tries to encourage his children to take up a sport to honor him. A Few years later Margret gets hit by a train and dies unexpectedly. All alone with his two kids Frank wishes to find love again and someone who will learn to love his two children. Getting older frank decides to get a mail order bride from Thailand, from looking at the pictures on the Internet he selects a women named Mi Ly. Disappointed by the results of his new bride, Frank still marries Mi Ly out of the kindness of his heart where they live together with his two children happily. Or so he thinks. Completely deluded and unaware of the antics of his family.
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